1- This study of Raja Yoga involves observing certain lifestyle disciplines
i) To maintain purity in the mind, speech and actions and to practice renunciation of vices like lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego which are created because of considering ourselves to be a body.
ii) Eating pure and vegetarian food cooked in the remembrance of God and in the soul conscious stage. The consumption of alcohol, tobacco, betel leaves, drugs etc. which bring impurity in the body and mind is prohibited. According to the Divine Constitution, we don't consume anything that isn't offered to the deities in temples. As the saying goes, food affects the mind (jaisaa anna vaisaa man). Along with the consumption of pure food, we also take special care of our company, because as is the company we keep, so is the colour [of the company] applied to us.
iii) We should spend a simple life but with high moral standards. The eating, drinking, living, clothing etc. should be simple and the behaviour should be elevated.
iv) Dress code: Today, because of being influenced by the western culture, we too have forgotten our divinity and are just following it. Now, we have realized our original divine form again and are moulding our lifestyle according to that. Wearing a pink sari brings the feeling of being the members of the same family of the Supreme Abode in us. We like wearing white clothes, [i.e.] the clothes with a pure colour, as uniform.
v) Practicing celibacy while living in the household means to lead a life like the lotus flower, which is the sign of remaining detached despite living in mire.
2- Daily routine
i) Practice of Raja Yoga (meditation) in the morning, at amritvelaa (between 2 A.M. to 4 A.M., according to each one's capability and wish) so that we ourselves as well as other souls experience peace, happiness and powers and after that listening to and studying the Divine knowledge (Gyaan Murlis) punctually and regularly sitting in a gathering. Through this regular practice, any person can assimilate divine virtues and bring about the world transformation through self-transformation.
ii) Cooking, serving and eating food in the remembrance of God (Brahma bhojan) and carrying out all the household chores ourselves.
iii) Among the members of A.V.V., the members who wish to dedicate their life for this spiritual service can voluntarily stay in the A.V.V. service centres and can contribute in the spiritual service according to their capability.
iv) After attending the daily spiritual classes, the other members go to their respective homes or workplace. In this way, any person can assimilate divine virtues and bring about the world transformation through self-transformation.