Easy Raja yoga

Many kinds of yoga are famous in the world. For example, Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, Gyaan yoga, Hatha yoga, Raja yoga and so on, but among all these kinds of yoga, easy Raja yoga is the most elevated. ‘Yoga’ means ‘connection’ or ‘meeting’. Nowadays, by saying ‘yoga’, people derive the meaning as physical yogaasan , praanaayaam or Hatha yoga . The yogaasan can help us to achieve physical health and to a certain extent, mental health, but complete happiness and peace can be achieved only through easy Raja yoga.
‘Raja yoga’ means, the yoga which makes us into the king of kings or the yoga that is full of secrets. For many births, the human souls have been establishing relationship with perishable bodily beings by being stuck in the swamp of body consciousness. Just like by joining two copper wires, electricity passes through it but it doesn’t pass through the copper wires with rubber coating (of body consciousness); similarly, by having relationship with body conscious bodily beings, imperishable happiness and peace can’t be attained. The Supreme Father + Supreme Soul Shiva doesn’t even call it ‘yoga’, but in simple words, He calls it ‘yaad (remembrance)’. To remember [someone] is a hearty, natural, easy and a constant process, whereas ‘yoga’ gives the sense of making some special effort. Just like, despite living in the body the Supreme Father + Supreme Soul is detached by its consciousness meaning, He remains videhi , similarly we should also remember the Supreme Father + Supreme Soul through Prajapita Brahma by considering ourselves to be an imperishable soul (and not a body made of five elements). Our eyes should look at Shivbaba and not just ‘shav’ (corpse) meaning the body. Thus, God should neither be remembered just in a corporeal form nor just in an incorporeal form, but after recognizing [Him] properly, we should remember the incorporeal One who has entered the corporeal body of Arjun or Aadam. This alone is the true Raja yoga.
By assimilating purity in the mind, speech and actions, by having true affection for the Supreme Father + Supreme Soul, by assimilating divine virtues [and] God’s Knowledge, by consuming pure food and staying in the company of true Brahmins, the soul is liberated from the five vices, ‘lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego’, born from body consciousness and it can become stable in its original form i.e. the form of being complete with all the virtues. The time of amritvelaa or Brahm muhuurt (from one A.M. to five A.M.) is the best time to remember God, because at that time, the atmosphere is serene and pure and the mind is also alert and calm. Through the daily practice of Raja yoga, the soul assimilates virtues like purity, peace, patience, fearlessness and humility. Along with this, the soul receives the special eight powers: the power to wind up the expansion of wasteful thoughts, the power of tolerance, the power to assimilate, the power to discriminate between good and bad, the power to make proper decision, the power to face problems, the power to cooperate with human beings with different sanskaars and the power to withdraw the expansion, etc.
Through the continuous practice of Raja yoga with strong will power, the soul can know the story of its beginning, middle and end and its unique parts in many births in the world. It can also donate peace and happiness to the souls of the world while staying at home. In this way we can bring about the transformation of the self as well as of the world simultaneously.

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