Who is God of the Gita ?

Proved with the shlokas of the Gita :-
As long as we consider Krishna to be God of the Gita out of blind faith, the world can’t be uplifted. It is because it has been said in the very Gita ‘Krishna gati leads us to sorrow’. The Sun also moves towards the southern hemisphere during the Krishna gati. This is why, Krishna paksh is never considered auspicious. Krishna paksh is that pitch dark night which causes darkness in the world. In the same way, by adding Krishna’s name in the Gita, the entire world is in the darkness of sorrow today due to not knowing the accurate form of God. This is why Arjun said to God, ‘there is nobody except You who can relieve me of my sorrow’. This is why churning the knowledge of the Bhagwad Gita is essential, it is only then we will come to know who the actual Giver of the knowledge of the Gita is, the one who is called ‘Har Har Mahadev’, the one who takes away the sorrow of the entire world. However in reality, there is no such personality who stays in a graveyard having smeared ash on his body. The very yaadagaar of the extra-ordinary purushaarth made by the ordinary body in which God comes is shown in pictures and idols.

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