Research of Bhagavad Gita


Hopkins believes that the Krishna-dominant version of the Gita which is found now was earlier a Vishnu-dominant poem and even before this, it was a nonsectarian composition.


Farkuhar has written in the Religious Literature of India that this Gita is an old poetic Upanishad, which was probably written after Shwetashwataropanishad and which has been moulded in the present form by a poet to support Krishnaism after the Christian Era began. 


According to Garbe, the Bhagwat Gita was earlier a scripture related to Sankhyayoga, in which the procedure of the worship of Krishna Vasudeva was added later on and in the third century B.C. it was mixed with the Vedic tradition by considering Krishna to be a form of Vishnu. The original composition was written 200 B.C. and its modern form was prepared by a follower of Vedanta in second century A.D.


Holtzman considers Gita to be a latter Vishnu-dominant form of a pantheist poem.


Keith also believes that originally the Gita was a Shwetashwatar kind of Upanishad; but later it was moulded in accordance with the worship of Krishna.

The facts mentioned by these wise men are logical because the knowledge of the Gita has always been called ‘knowledge of Brahm’, ‘God’s song’ or ‘moral speech’. It has never been called ‘Shri Krishna’s knowledge’. It is because there is no mention of knowledge being given by Krishna in any shloka of the Gita. Bhagwad Gita itself means the song of God, which has been spoken by God directly.

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